January 1977, Roots the miniseries first aired across this country. Later to be translated into over 35 languages. This show was based on Alex Haley's work Roots: The Saga of an American Family. Roots remain the pinnacle of TV mini-series. In the 30 years after it first appeared, the nearly ten-hour program continues to be regarded as one of the most memorable and important events in TV history. The DVD has been released; hopefully, it will rekindle the series impact and have many Americans turn to geologists in search of their roots again. Also the summer (August) of 1977, was the first year the L&M Tourers rode to New Hope, Pennsylvania. Unbeknown to our founders Lucille, Mildred, and Annette Smith, this was to become our best-attended ride.

Like Alex Haley and family, the members of the L&M Tourers later to become the Major Taylor Cycling Club NY/NJ, there are many participants with countless stories associated with this ride.  I personally, like to believe that if everyone that ever rode this ride with our club could stand next to each other with arms stretched out the chain can loop long enough to cross the George Washington Bridge and return!

The ride was renamed in 1992, Raoul Alphonso Memorial Ride to New Hope, Pennsylvania in his honor and has become the club’s unity ride of the season.

We have also billed this ride, the ride for all levels. Why? The strongest to the not so strong, the most expensive bike to the one put together that morning, this ride has developed into whatever you make it; who could make it all the way, who dropped who, what borough was represented best in attendance or simply who showed up? Always peaceful.

The Haley Family and the producers of the DVD will celebrate 30 years; we the Major Taylor Cycling Club NY/NJ will commemorate our Roots on August 12, 2007.




